Latest News
Posted on May 30th 2022
Lydia is Jack Petchey Outstanding Achiever
Congratulations to sixth former Lydia for winning the Jack Petchey Outstanding Achiever Award.
Lydia was nominated by Ms Ferran because she stands out among her peers. She is incredibly motivated and models an ethos of caring daily in her work in school, with our clubs and student mentoring, and in her volunteering with the lower ability Science classes.
Lydia is a role model for students in our Eco-council too, leading the students and volunteering to organise activities such as litter picks and fundraising events.
Lydia displays an emotional maturity and capacity that can be lacking in someone of her age, frequently standing up for students who are being bullied or unfairly treated. Lydia deserves to be recognised for her commitment to her education and to the other students in the school.