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Posted on June 17th 2021
Let's Talk - Event for Parents and Carers about Children's Emotional Wellbeing Event
Come to a free NHS webinar focused on the emotional wellbeing of young people aged 11+ in Bexley. For parents and care givers.
Monday 21st June, 7 - 8.30pm. Click HERE to register.
The NHS, along with children and young people's service professionals and experts from Bexley Voluntary Service Council (BVSC), Bexley Moorings, Kooth and Bexley Voice, would like to bring parents and care givers in Bexley a free online event focussing on the emotional wellbeing of children and young people aged 11+.
This event is for anyone who is concerned about the emotional wellbeing of a young person or people aged 11+, and wants to know where to go for support, advice and find out what resources are available to them locally.
The last year has changed many of our lives with people experiencing disruption to their working lives, education and home life. Growing up for some young people can be a challenging time even when life is considered relatively normal. Over the last year, Covid-19 has added to the challenges faced by some children and young people.
Click HERE to register for this free event for parents and care givers.