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Posted on August 15th 2019
Year 13 Results Day 2019
Our sixth formers are celebrating some very strong exam results, announced today.
At A Level, 40% of all papers sat by our sixth formers were graded either A or B. Only three A Level qualifications were graded below a C. Particular congratulations to Evita and Laura who achieved A grades in English and to Nikolaj who achieved an A grade in Russian.
In the BTEC results, 56% of BTEC qualifications were graded as Distinction. Only two BTEC qualifications were graded below a Pass. Particular congratulations go to the following students who achieved a double Distinction in Business: Victoria, Lily, Michelle, Nikolas, Patryk, Priscilla and Thehela.
Every student who applied to university has been offered a place, with 75% attending their first choice of institution.
"These results are impressive, but what is more important is what they mean in practical terms for each individual student," said Head of Academy Dan Smith. "The results represent real life chances and show how learning can change lives."
Congratulations to all our students, their parents and our teachers who made these results possible.