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Posted on June 30th 2018
Berlin - Year 10 Trip Report
Day four
Sunday was another busy day. Students have had a walking tour of Berlin where they have used the S-bahn, seen the offices of the Bundestag and the Chancellors offices. They also visited the memorial to the Jewish victims and viewed the bunker where Hitler spent the final days of his life.
Day three
A productive visit for the students on Saturday afternoon to Wansee House, where Hitler's 'final solution' was decided. Dinner was at the Mall of Berlin and they had a sunset tour of the Reichstag.
Day two
The focus of today has been resistance and terror in Nazi Germany, including a very moving visit to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp as well as Plotzensee Prison, where enemies of the Third Reich were incarcerated. We also went to Gleis 17 Grunewald which was the railway platform where Jews were deported from Berlin to the extermination death camps.
Day one
The Year 10 Berlin trip set off in the early hours of Friday morning. By lunch today we had crossed on the ferry and were on the outskirts of Antwerp to begin their exciting trip. More reports to follow...