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Posted on December 5th 2023
Year 8 Visit Science and Natural History Museums
Year 8 went to the Science Museum and Natural History Museum today as part of our Character Education programme. We're excited for them to explore the wonders of science, technology and nature.
Mr. Adams has unapologetically taken the liberty of sharing some nerdy and amazing photos from the computer section at the Science Museum! From technological innovations to really nerdy stuff, our Year 8 students are having a blast exploring the world of science and technology.
This might look like a decrepit old computer but was actually the world's first web server, marking the very beginning of what we know today as the World Wide Web. It first went online over 25 years ago at CERN, laying the foundation for the development of the internet as we know it.
While Year 8 explored the wonders of science at the Science Museum, another group stepped back in time at the Natural History Museum. They've even spotted a T-Rex dressed as Santa.
Enjoying lunchtime at the Science Museum.