Latest News
Posted on September 27th 2021
A Message From Our Student Leaders
We, the student leadership team at Harris Garrard, want to welcome you all to our Academy. We are made up of students from the primary, secondary and sixth form.
Our vision for this academic year is to make sure that every studentโs voice is heard and listened to in order to ensure the quality of our education and wellbeing resources are of an astounding standard.
So far this term we have launched many projects that create wider learning opportunities for students such as the Duke of Edinburgh and a diverse variety of clubs.
We aim to educate our fellow students about topical issues like climate change, discrimination and human rights, and promote the importance of representation and individuality within a democratic society.
We also want to prepare our students for the next step whether it be college, an apprenticeship or university. We want our students to have the best start to life.
The layout of our leadership team is structured in a democratic manner which allows us to get a taster of how the wider government works. Each member of the student leadership team has been assigned to one of the following committees:
- The teaching and learning committee are in charge of making sure every student gets the best education that they deserve.
- The diversity and inclusivity committee have the job of making sure that every student feels represented within the community.
- The behaviour and pastoral care committee oversee that behaviour in the school is maintained and all students feel supported and safe within the community.
- The eco community regulate the carbon footprint the academy makes and how we can minimise waste as a community.
As a team, we will ensure the success of the school both academically and within the community. As the year progresses, we will keep launching more spectacular projects so please stay tuned.
HGA Student Leadership Team
Find out more about Student Leadership at HGA.