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Posted on May 17th 2018
Data and Privacy - Message for Parents
Dear Parent / Carer
In light of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on 25 May 2018, I would like to take this opportunity to stress how important we consider the privacy of our students, their parents/carers, our staff, governors and any other person carrying out activities on behalf of the Academy.
As I’m sure you are aware the collection, use and retention of personal data has come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks, most markedly with Facebook’s mishandling of some of its users’ data. GDPR is going to go some way to ensure such scenarios don’t happen again, as the new regulation will force organisations to fundamentally change the way they process and handle data. It will have a far reaching impact and will apply to all organisations, big and small, including Academies such as ours. It is our responsibility, therefore, to ensure that the personal data we collect on your child/ward is being used fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is retained for no longer than is necessary.
We want to be totally transparent with you with regards how we use your child/ward’s data and as such we have updated our privacy notices, including a bespoke one for Parents and Carers. You can access this at the following but I’m also detailing a few headlines below:
Why do we keep personal data about our students? We collect and use your child/ward’s personal data for a range of reasons, but will only collect it where the law allows us to. The main reasons for collecting your child/ward’s personal data is to enable us to provide outstanding education, which is in the public interest, and to comply with various legal obligations - many of which are laid down by the government’s Department of Education.
Who do we share personal data with? We share your child/ward’s data with various organisations such as the Local Authority, Department for Education and also third parties who supply us services, such as our Academy caterers for example. We will only do so, though, if the law or our policies allow us to; where this is not the case we will approach you or your child/ward for consent.
How long do we keep personal data for? We will keep personal data about your child/ward while they are attending our Academy. We will also keep it beyond their attendance if this is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations. There are set guidelines on how long data can be held and we will not retain it for longer than necessary.
In summary, the privacy of your child/ward is very important to us and our Academy’s aim is to:
- Regulate - collect only what we need, use it for the purpose it was collected and not keep it for longer than necessary.
- Restrict - limit access to those who need it and keep it secure by a combination of improved technical protection measures and personal handling behaviours.
- Respect - be clear with staff, students, parents/carers and other key individuals how we collect, store, share and use their personal data.
I appreciate some of you may find the recent focus on personal data a bit overwhelming, but I want to reassure you that the staff at our Academy will be absolutely scrupulous when is it comes to the handling, storage and deletion of your child/wards personal.
Yours faithfully
Mr Chris Everitt
Executive Principal